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Diversity & Inclusion

The values of Diversity, Equality, and inclusion (DE&I) play a pivotal role in our work with our colleagues, companies, clients, and communities, pushing us forward towards progress. We believe in nurturing a space where individual authenticity motivates team ambition, acknowledging and respecting differences. At Lotus, it is our differences that unite us.

We recognize and celebrate diversity in all its forms - gender, gender expression, race, ethnicity, age, religion, disability status, experience, and more.

At Lotus, we believe in a culturally sensitive and equitable workplace that nurtures innovative thinking and diverse ideas. We strive to promote true collaboration through honest communication amongst our teams and partners.

Our mission is to ensure that each day and every project provides our colleagues with the opportunity to bring their true selves to the table, creating meaningful cultural moments and movements at Lotus, for our clients, partners and the communities in which we operate.