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Coca-Cola: Flood Relief

Coca-Cola: Flood Relief

Lotus was tasked with communicating the flood relief efforts Coca-Cola Pakistan was undertaking in partnership with local non-profits. Our aim was to highlight the impact of the work that the brand and its partners were doing not just to provide imminent relief to the most vulnerable communities but to install innovative solar-powered filtration systems that provided these communities with safe drinking water that also reduced the burden on the women who are generally tasked with the task of water collection for their families. To this end, we engaged electronic, print, and digital media with a combination of press releases, articles, and a media trip to the site, where they got to see the communities benefiting from the project. We also strategized content for the leadership team of Coca-Cola to share on their professional social media accounts further spread the word. Our communication strategy kept the highlight on the flood victims way beyond the initial phase of the crisis and the brand’s commitment to building shared communities.